Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quest 6 Part Two Comments

I was not impressed by Technorati.

I didn't find the advanced search any more helpful than the regular search. I thought it was a good feature that you were able to do one search and then get results in each of the tabs (Posts, Blogs, Videos, Photos).

When I searched for Library 2.0, I got many unrelated results. It made no difference if I put it in quotes. I got much better results when I searched for Library2.o (no space).

I explored popular blogs and blog searches, but didn't really find anything interesting or surprising. Should I have?

The whole life of the blogosphere is a mystery to me. Why do people care so much about what other people think? Most of what is written does not seem worth reading, let alone writing. The blogosphere is a bit of a "Tower of Babel" where everyone is shouting at each other, but so many people don't even understand what the other person is saying. What value does that have? It's just a chance for people to mouth off, like I'm doing now.

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